Bring Twitter to the real world. Join the study!

Bring Twitter to the real world. Let's leave virtuality behind and let's do a sociological and anthropological study. Well, the study won't be very reliable, nor will the results shine a light on humans and society, but at least we'll have a good time doing it.

The exercise is as follows:

For 24 hours, we have to carefully listen to what people say and establish which are the trending topics or hashtags we can find on the tube, on the streets, on a bus, at work, at lunch time, during the coffee break or wherever we go. Then, we'll write them down on a list, send it to me and share them with the world.
  • Will the list be the same as on the internet?
  • Will we find a match between virtual and real trending topics?
  • What will be the trending topic in your building?
  • Will your boss agreee with the most popular hashtags?
  • Do you travel in the coolest bus?
  • Is your old neighbour a cool hunter?
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