"The steely glint in her eye and determined set of her jaw are both pure Thatcher. Meryl Streep, at least, can rest assured that her reputation for capturing the essence of the characters she plays remains untarnished. The reputation of Margaret Thatcher, however, is another matter", dice el Daily Mail.
"In the controversial film, due to be released at the end of the year, Miss Streep plays Baroness Thatcher as a confused octogenarian who looks back on decisions she made with sadness, accompanied by the ghost of her late husband, Sir Denis Thatcher.
The original script apparently had the lady known for unblinking determination actually questioning some of the seminal moments of her 11

Mientras tanto, las palabras de Meryl nos hacen esperar una caracterización memorable. "‘The prospect of exploring the swathe cut through history by this remarkable woman is a daunting and exciting challenge,’ Miss Streep said yesterday.
‘I am trying to approach the role with as much zeal, fervour and attention to detail as the real Lady Thatcher possesses – I can only hope my stamina will begin to approach her own!’
The film is billed as examining power ‘and the price that is paid for power’".
De momento, guardando las distancias y porque desconozco los detalles del texto, me quedo con el impresionante parecido en las imágenes. Habrá que verla en movimiento para juzgar todo lo demás.
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